Research Article: Phytochemical and thin layer chromatography analyses of Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson barks native to cambodia
Sreyorn Soeurn, Pich Srey, Pisal Lay, Srey Lin Heng, Chanlida Sovan, Sin Chea, Samell Keo

Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson species are broadly used by the traditional healers in Southeast Asia as they are of benefit for the treatment of various diseases such as hemorrhoids, diarrhea, dysentery, and wound healing. This study was conducted to identify the phytochemical constituents of the ethanolic extracts of the barks of Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson and to record its profile of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The barks of  
Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson were subjected to the Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE) with ethanol; the yielded ethanolic extracts were, in turn, taken to phytochemical and TLC analyses. The phytochemical analysis of the ethanolic extracts of Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson showed that the barks of Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson contained alkaloids, tannins, phenolic compounds, coumarins, cardiac glycosides, resins, saponins, flavonoids, polypeptides, and terpenoids. The TLC analysis, evaluated with the mobile phase system of Chloroform:Ethanol (15:1) and investigated under 254-366 nm UV light and 10%-H2SO4, provided a clear separation with different Rf values. Collectively, it is concluded that the presence of these phytochemicals and the TLC profiling of the Dillenia ovata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson barks may be responsible for its medicinal purpose and be  
of benefit for future research in term of natural drug isolation.

Keywords: Dillenia ovata, UAE, phytochemical, TLC, Rf value