Call for Papers
The Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy 
eISSN: 0128-1119 

The Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy is calling for papers on medicinal plants for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Traditional medicine may offer a way out of this conundrum. Many medicinal plants used by traditional medicinal practitioners reportedly are used for the treatment of viral diseases. These plants, following proper scientific validation, may offer a readily available and affordable means for tackling viral pandemics. Moreover, the chances of these plants proving to be of valid therapeutic use are considerable since these plants have been used for thousands of years. Infectious diseases have been recognized as diseases in Ayurveda for at least 3500 years and in China 2700 years BC. 
Recognizing the severity of the problem, the Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy is devoting a special issue on COVID-19. Potential authors are encouraged to submit research and review articles, short notes, and full papers or notes on ethnic uses of plants used to treat COVID-19as a whole or any particular disease component. Authors are also encouraged to discuss any allopathic medicine or integrative medicine methods, which have been utilized successfully or have the potential of success to treat COVID-10. It is expected that this issue will stimulate further discussion and collaboration among scientists and a possible efficacious mode of treatment will emerge. In this context, the Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy is making a call for papers related to medicinal plants with potential usefulness for COVID-19 and viral pandemics.
General call for papers

In order to facilitate the sharing and communication of scientific knowledge in medicinal plants among researchers in Asia, The Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy publishes original research articles, short communications in the field of pharmacognosy, in vitro or in vivo pharmacological activity of medicinal plants and natural products, and the toxicological activity of medicinal plants and traditional medicines. 

The Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy wants to give to researchers and academics from developing Asian countries the possibility to communicate their work and/or scientific observations although being simple or preliminary in the form of: 
1. Ethnopharmacological/ethnobotanical notes: AJP consider for publication notes in the form of a simple letter to the editor to report a medicinal use of a plant observed in villages, tribes, remote area. It must provide date, precise geographical location, name of the healer/shaman/medicine man consulted. The botanical identification of the plant must be provided as well as part used, mode of preparation. A few bibliographical references can be added.  
2. Short Communications: AJP consider for publication short communications of 4 pages including tables/figures/photos. The number of bibliographic references is advised to be less than 10.  
3. Research papers: AJP consider for publication research papers. Although not mandatory, we encourage authors to provide certification of the botanical identification of their samples.  
4. Review papers:  Guidelines for authors and further details of the Journal are available on the Instructions for Authors page. Contributions should be sent via email to the editor, Dr. Christophe Wiart, at Christophe.Wiart[at], who would also be pleased to discuss potential contributions. It is also possible to submit papers via the Asian Society of Pharmacognosy submission form.